Cellulite: Sure You Know Everything? Take our test and test yourself!

Cellulite affects the lives of many people, more than we could imagine: it is estimated that 9 out of 10 women have cellulite in Italy. Despite this, many false myths are widespread on the subject and often the information that is provided to us is not reliable. In fact, in addition to being the result of genetic inheritance, cellulite is conditioned by our lifestyle and is an alteration of the subcutaneous tissue, which also affects the deeper layers of the skin. For this it is necessary not only to choose a lifestyle that includes a "healthy diet and proper physical training, but it can be useful to use appropriate pharmacological creams.

Cellulite: Sure You Know Everything? Take our test and test yourself!

Among the most common false myths there is certainly the idea that cellulite is a problem linked to being out of shape. In truth, often even the leanest suffer from this pathology which also involves the circulatory system, in addition to adipose tissue. Another false myth concerns the use of cosmetic creams, which are equated to pharmacological ones. Or even a false myth consists in the idea that very strict diets can drastically reduce cellulite. In short, it would be up to us to inform ourselves correctly about it. To do this, first find out how much you know about cellulite! Our test will help you discover something more on this pathology.

See also

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Cellulite: the most frequent causes and the remedies to cure it

Tags:  Actuality Love-E-Psychology Parenthood