Newborn pimples: causes and remedies for neonatal acne

A few weeks after the birth of the baby, we can witness a phenomenon that will leave us a little perplexed, but which is very frequent. The skin of our baby could become covered with pimples, called neonatal acne, or a series of red and white pimples that they extend over the baby's face as if it were a teenager. Could it be a matter of hygiene? No, even if it is essential to follow some rules for the hygiene of the baby, look here:

Baby pimples are quite a phenomenon anyway and, like those of teenagers, they are probably related to hormonal issues. But what are the causes of neonatal acne? Does it depend on milk? Let's see them together! Remember, any doubts you have about the health of your babies, it is very important to contact your pediatrician to confirm everything.

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How would I recognize pimples in the newborn? Features

Neonatal pimples therefore appear as small rashes, or red dots on the face, sometimes with a yellowish tip, and usually located on the nose, cheeks and forehead. They mostly occur in the baby's first few months and shouldn't bother or itch. We can understand that the newborn is itchy if it is usual to rub the face on the body of the person holding it. But there is no need to worry. Surely a mother may be surprised to see her baby covered with dots a few days after birth, and wonder what the problem is or if something is wrong. pimples in the first weeks of life But the cause of neonatal acne is to be traced back to something else.


What are the causes of newborn pimples?

The main cause of newborn pimples is not to be found externally: it is useless to recall all the actions done in the baby's first days or to condemn ourselves for the mistakes NOT committed. And above all it does not depend on the baby's nutrition, so they are not related to breast milk or formula. The cause of neonatal acne dates back to pregnancy, when the fetus absorbs maternal hormones, also thanks to the amniotic fluid. Basically the accumulation of maternal hormones (mostly estrogen) in the baby's blood. During pregnancy, in fact, and thanks to the connection of the umbilical cord, maternal hormones circulate from her blood to that of the baby, and are then disposed of by the mother's liver. At the time of birth, with the cut of the cord, the hormones that are unable to flow to the mother remain in the baby's blood which will dispose of them much more slowly in the following weeks, thus manifesting pimples due to an increase in the hormones in his blood. We are therefore faced with a completely physiological event, not a skin disease, or that happens to most babies, and which can be treated with specific products recommended by the pediatrician.

The difference between neonatal pimples and dermatitis

The baby's pimples appear in the first months of life, a period in which some form of dermatitis can also occur, namely seborrheic dermatitis, also known as cradle cap, or atopic dermatitis. The symptoms are different from those of our little one's pimples, even if they can be confused with these which are diseases (very mild and not to worry about) of the skin. Let's see what are the characteristics and symptoms that indicate the appearance of these dermatitis:

  • seborrheic dermatitis or cradle cap, or an "overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands, frequent for those with an atopic disposition, and which occurs mostly on the scalp or in the genital areas where it touches the diaper, but which can also occur on the face . It consists in the appearance of small yellowish crusts or scales, which however are completely physiological. Generally the pediatrician also associates them with maternal hormones, just like pimples, and can recommend the right treatment or the most suitable products to cure it. It can last for some time. week to a few months.
  • atopic dermatitis, which presents as redness of the skin or very rough red patches, probably of hereditary origin or caused by allergies to external factors. Again, the pediatrician will recommend the right products or a specific treatment. It can last for a few weeks and recur periodically.

In short, atopic dermatitis is the most annoying because it could be associated with allergic phenomena or in any case be an indication of a predisposition to allergies. In some cases it can occur in the first week of life, after months, at 6 years or in more adults. It will be sufficient to intervene promptly to prevent the symptoms of this skin "disease" from becoming a nuisance for children. It will be quite simple to distinguish it from neonatal acne because its conformation is slightly different but, as is always said in the advice to mothers, it is good to discuss with a doctor.


Remedies for newborn pimples

So what can we do to solve our baby's acne? In most cases, almost nothing, except letting them breathe in the fresh air. Being a completely physiological event, it will be enough to wait a few weeks to see it disappear. We avoid touching the pimples or trying to squeeze any yellow dots as this may cause skin irritation or small lesions, and let things sort themselves out. If we perceive that the child is itchy, the pediatrician will be able to advise us on how to treat the situation. In general, children's skin is very delicate and tends to have different skin reactions than that of an adult. It must be treated with care, considering hygiene one of the fundamental factors, as well as the fabrics with which we will wrap the baby or the detergents with which it will come into contact. Just be careful, that's all!

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