Daily calorie needs

Our body is like a factory: it needs energy to function and renew its cells, both in activity and at rest. This energy is found in food, in the form of calories derived from proteins (1 g = 4 Kcal) , from lipids (1 g = 9 Kcal) and from carbohydrates (1 g = 4 Kcal). Since we are all different, needs vary considerably between individuals and metabolisms. To maintain a stable weight and stay healthy, it is essential to respect your calorie needs. Let's see why.

The basic needs
Among the "fixed" needs of each one, the following are distinguished:
> The basic metabolism, that is the energy that the body at rest burns to allow the fundamental life of the cells (70% of the total energy), the respiratory movements (10%), the heart beats (4%) and the maintenance of muscle tone. The values ​​can be extremely variable, depending on the individual, as they depend in part on age (consumption decreases over the years), on sex (naturally men burn more than women) and on muscle mass (the more muscular a person is, the more energy they consume at rest).
> The regulation of body temperature. A human cell can only live between 36 and 41 ° C. According to climatic variations, the organism is therefore obliged to constantly regulate its internal temperature. In one sense as in the other (fight against cold or heat), this regulation consumes energy. However, in our temperate climates, this consumption is minimal.
> The assimilation of food products. Some nutrients - in particular proteins - involve a greater expense to be digested, assimilated and transformed into energy. At each meal, therefore, they provide calories to the body, but they also spend some!
> Growth. The body of a child or adolescent uses a lot of energy to develop.

Needs related to physical activity

See also

Calorie fruit: which are the least caloric fruits?

Are there any caloric but healthy foods? Here is the complete list

They are "variable" and depend on subjective muscular work. With each physical effort, in fact, the body burns more or less energy depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise (from 60 to 100 Kcal / hour for a light effort up to 1,000 Kcal / hour or more for an intense effort Thus, caloric needs increase every time physical exercise is performed and are, therefore, globally higher in sportsmen, manual workers and physically active people. Unfortunately, intellectual work does not involve any increase in consumption. however, for a better yield, it needs a balanced and well-distributed meals throughout the day.

The special cases

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, calorie needs increase significantly depending on the size and previous nutritional habits.


Linked to numerous parameters, the energy needs of the human being differ significantly depending on the individual. To remain in good health and maintain a stable and adequate weight ("the ideal weight"), they must obviously correspond to consumption: if too much is consumed energy to an organism that does not need it, gets fat, if it does not make enough of it, it gets slimmer. These are what, according to specialists, are the daily needs of each individual, based on sex and degree of activity :

- Weak activity: 2,100 Kcal for men, 1,800 Kcal for women

- Light activity: 2,700 kcal for men, 2,000 kcal for women

- Consistent activity: 3,000 to 3,500 for men, 2,400 to 2,800 for women

- Pregnant woman: 1,800 to 2,500 Kcal

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