Beauty Tips: the beauty essentials to always have in your bag

1. Moisturizer

Sun, wind, cold air: these are all elements that contribute to the dehydration of our skin. It is good to always carry a moisturizer with you, even a sample if you want, to prevent the skin from drying out too much and cracking ... you don't want to look like a zombie, right?

See also

Eyelash curler: how to make it a beauty ally without being afraid to use it

Light make-up: 5 tips for a natural and effective make-up!

Luminous skin: 5 tips to do it in a short time!

2. Corrector

Even if you leave the house in the morning with a perfect face, without a slight imperfection, remember that the day is long. To avoid carrying all the makeup you have at home, pack a concealer in your bag, which will help you in case you need some tweaks during the day.

3. Lip balm

A little like the moisturizer, even the lip balm is essential to have on hand. Especially if you use lipstick, it could happen (especially with lip paints or dyes), that the lips, after a few hours, are dehydrated A touch of lip balm will be enough to make them look like new (and ready to kiss, because you never know).

4. Blush (or blush, if you prefer)

Why is it important to have it on the stock exchange? To avoid looking white as a corpse, especially if, after a long day at work, you plan to go out and have a drink with friends ...

5. Perfume

You can well imagine why, can't you? Having a perfume close to your nose can be nothing short of necessary, especially if you travel by public transport. And outside there is the sun.

What are, for you, the "beauty essentials" that you always carry in your bag? Leave your answer by commenting below, writing us on the Facebook page or sending us a tweet @alfemminile_com!

Tags:  Parenthood Fashion Old-Couple