Weight gain in pregnancy: the pounds you gain month by month

When you are expecting a baby, you hear many things about "weight gain in pregnancy:" a pound a month is what it takes "," eat what you feel "," it depends on "height. The result is often total uncertainty and week after week the doubts of the expectant mother increase. To give a clear answer to the most common questions, here are some tips for managing weight gain in pregnancy peacefully.

Why do you get fat during pregnancy?

Weight gain during pregnancy is an absolutely physiological and therefore necessary event, which guarantees the health of the baby and the mother. During pregnancy, the mother's body organizes itself to welcome and grow the baby that is to be born.
The hips, buttocks and thighs are rounded as they prepare to make room for the growing baby in the womb. In addition, the body accumulates the energy reserves necessary for the baby to develop properly, the blood volume doubles, the placenta and the breast develop. Not to mention water retention, which contributes to weight gain.
Pregnancy is a particular time when the body needs to be well fed. Being underweight or having insufficient nutrition during pregnancy has negative consequences on the mother and baby: prematurity, inadequate brain development, are just some examples of the real risks that should not be underestimated. So accept the transformations of your body and remember that all of this happens for your own good and for that of the child that grows in you.

See also

Fourth month of pregnancy: weight gain and other things to know

Growth of the fetus: the development of the baby month by month

Ideal weight of children: how to calculate the ideal weight based on age and height

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Eating right: the first step to controlled weight gain

It is often said that during pregnancy you have to eat for two but this is not true: your appetite will change spontaneously according to your energy needs. Make sure you eat balanced, especially if you didn't have good habits before getting pregnant. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables, dairy products of all types, well-cooked meats, fish, whole grains. Avoid foods that are too fatty and too sweet, which have poor nutritional properties.

What to eat during pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy is a very important factor, because it concerns the introduction and absorption of substances that affect not only your life and well-being, but also that of your baby. Our expert advises in this video which foods are more suitable to eat when you are pregnant Obviously fiber is highly recommended, while you have to limit carbohydrates and especially fats.

So you don't have to give up your favorite foods. You will have to be especially careful not to exceed the consumption of rapidly absorbed sugars, contained for example in sweets, biscuits or jams but also in bread and refined cereals. And of course, fat consumption must be kept under control.

Weight gain in pregnancy for each trimester

Weight gain during pregnancy does not follow a mechanically upward curve month by month, let's see specifically how many kilos are gained, and when compared to the various trimesters.

  • First quarterWeight gain is low. Some women may even lose weight at first, due to nausea and vomiting and other pregnancy symptoms.
  • Second quarter: the weight really increases. Expectant mothers are subject to hunger pangs or the famous "cravings". It is right to indulge in some whim and satisfy those cravings that seem insatiable but try to be careful. The advice of the experts is to divide the meals (four or five small meals a day) and not to go for sweet foods. By the sixth month you must have gained weight by 6 kg, nevertheless, and don't worry if you have an additional 1-2 kg. If your weight is gaining too fast, talk to your doctor.
  • Third quarterWeight gain is one kilo per month. Towards the end of pregnancy the total gain will be 9-12 kg. This weight gain is suitable for both mother and baby.

Weight gain: the table illustrating the breakdown

The mother and baby will not "take advantage" of the extra pounds in the same way. How is the mother's weight used to support the baby, and how much does the mother need for energy? Here's what the weight breakdown is:

  • Child: 3-4 kg
  • Uterus: 900 g
  • Placenta 500 g
  • Breast: 400 g
  • Blood volume: 1.5 kg
  • Lipid reserves: 2-3 kg
  • Water retention: 2 kg

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The variables of weight gain in pregnancy

All these data on weight and its distribution are simply indicative, since each woman is different from the other. There are variables that allow us to calculate the ideal weight gain according to the woman: for example, a very thin woman will have to gain more weight. To determine the weight gain, it is possible to refer to the body mass index (BMI) calculated according to the Lorenz formula: it is the ratio between weight and height squared. Depending on the result obtained, the increase in desirable weight will be:

  • 20kg for women with a BMI below 18
  • 15 kg for a BMI between 19 and 21
  • 12 kg for a BMI between 22 and 23
  • 10kg for a BMI over 24

However, try not to settle for this index and get help from your doctor to keep the weight curve under control, which will also depend on your health condition.

Weight gain in pregnancy: watch out for cravings!

Even if you would eat chocolate and candy all day, indulge in these little sins of gluttony only once in a while and do not fail at every opportunity. Eat three full meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two healthy and light snacks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). This way your stomach will never be empty and you will be less likely to fall into temptation.

Nutrition during pregnancy is important, but so is the choice of name! If you have not yet found the name for your baby, consult our name guide: you will find many ideas for names, one more beautiful than the other.

See also: Iron rich foods: list of the most common

© iStock Foods rich in iron: spinach

I have gained more kilos than expected: do I have to worry?

Don't panic! Only your doctor will be able to tell you if your weight gain is really worrying, especially depending on your health conditions and those of the baby. But it is useless to feel guilty!
It should be remembered that during pregnancy hormones promote appetite and the accumulation of pounds, while eating in a very balanced way.
In addition, water retention, which is frequent during pregnancy, and especially in the last few months, causes significant weight gain, a weight that will be lost quickly after childbirth.
These phenomena are inevitable and the most important thing is to live peacefully the transformations of your body, without wanting to control everything.

Tags:  Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology In Shape