Aries ascendant Libra: the characteristics of this passionate and balanced sign

Even for those who are not passionate about Horoscope and Astrology, knowing your zodiac sign is very simple. In fact, everyone is aware of their own house of the Sun, because the day of birth is enough to calculate it. Less discussed for non-experts, however, is one's ascendant, or the zodiac sign that was rising at the moment of birth; in these cases, therefore, it is necessary to know the exact time in which one was born.
Calculate, if you want, your ascendant, and discover here all the characteristics of those born under the sign of "Aries, with the ascendant in Libra!"

The characteristics of those born under the sign of Aries

If you were born between March 21 and April 20, your Sun is in Aries. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, the "Horoscope confirms that it is a zodiac sign of fire, as well as Leo and Sagittarius, and its main characteristics concern courage and their impulsiveness, precisely because of their impetuous nature and their reactions. exaggerated.

His warrior nature is testified by the influence that the planet Mars has on the sign, strongly vital and enterprising. Their strong audacity makes them very determined, inclined not to shy away from challenges, which translate into them as tests to demonstrate the their value. The passion and spontaneity testified by the Aries horoscope is expressed in the various moments of their life, from work to private life, in personal relationships and in love.

The liver of Aries and their continuous tests of courage often result in situations of naivety and inconsistency but above all in one of the main characteristics of those born under this sign: impatience. In fact, this is a prerogative of Aries as well as of Sagittarius and Leo, the fire signs: highly competitive, short-tempered and aggressive, when things don't go as they planned.

See also

Leo ascendant Libra: the characteristics of this solar and intrigant sign

Leo ascendant Capricorn: the characteristics of this passionate and det sign

Aries ascendant Cancer: the characteristics of this determined sign and senses

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Those born in Aries in a love relationship

We said it: passion and sensuality are the main characteristics of Aries. In fact, just like the other signs of the zodiac most attracted to physicality, and once again we are talking about Leo, Sagittarius but also about Scorpio, Aries bases its stories , at least at first, precisely on the erotic charge, which is always high. The physical component, even in an advanced stage of the relationship, is very important for this sign, which is happy to mix passion and eroticism, making it one of the sexiest signs of the Zodiac.

As we have said, Aries is very independent by nature, so his partner must accept and know how to maintain this characteristic. When Aries is seriously linked to someone, it means that he is really in love, in fact he destroys any barrier and makes the its interiority only to a select few, although it may seem a very sociable and open sign.

The compatibility of Aries in love

Aries is fully compatible with Aquarius and Gemini, who have always been very independent signs that will be able to guarantee the freedom that every Aries needs. Also good is the compatibility with his "brothers of fire" Leo and Sagittarius, as well as with Libra, which grants the indispensable balance to such a restless sign.
Instead, they have little affinity with the signs of Earth, such as Taurus and Capricorn, very stubborn and determined, they could counteract its dynamism. Or again, they could have some difficulties with the signs of Water, such as Pisces and Cancer, very attached to the partner.

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The ascendant in Libra: what does it mean?

It is possible that up to this moment a person born under the sign of Aries has found characteristics that are only partially true in his personality. This is the cause - or merit - of the ascendant, therefore the zodiac sign rising at the moment of birth.

In particular, if your ascendant is in Libra you will have found these characteristics slightly destabilizing, due to the great contrast between the two signs. In fact, those born with a Libra ascendant are generally charming, diplomatic, very balanced and fair, and have an innate sense of beauty. Libra is also very indecisive when it comes to taking a stand during an argument or a Related to this, their inability to say no, which can create considerable inconvenience in relationships with a continuous oscillation between aggression and passivity.

Another great contrast to the Sun in Aries concerns its behavior in love: it needs a relationship that offers stability and continuity, because otherwise misunderstandings and tensions could arise, as well as excessive dependence on the partner (which will conflict with the main characteristics of Aries).

The personality of the Libra ascendant Aries

When the Aries fiery meets the balanced nature of the esthete who is Libra, the resulting personality is very interesting. The Libra ascendant, in fact, moderates the strong temperament of Aries, making them more sociable and diplomatic.

In this sense, the Libra ascendant Aries will appear to be a friendly person, available, open to knowledge and respectful towards each other. Not surprisingly, this Ascendant is ruled by Venus, which plays an important role in the influence on this sign as under the rule of the goddess of love, it will often be almost essential to establish stable and lasting relationships and fall madly in love.

In love, over time it is possible that the choice will fall on an aggressive and irritating partner, which is why it is better to use a little more wisdom before starting a relationship, without being overwhelmed by the fear of being alone. his deep attention to aesthetics makes him very courted and wanted.

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Aries ascendant Libra is an interesting match because it involves an overturning of the zodiacal scheme for which two opposite signs are in a position of forced compromise, in perennial indecision between their own needs and those of the other. From here derive stormy relationships and the tendency to choose an impulsive, decisive and enterprising partner, in which Aries will try to impose their point of view - hence the confrontations and conflict.

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