True love: the signs to recognize it

In the most beautiful songs and scenes of the films, true love resembles an idyll, a daydream. Everything is perfect: the understanding between the two partners could not be better, their relationship always appears serene and peaceful. and around them there is always a "cheerful and at the same time romantic atmosphere. In real life, however, all this clashes with everyday problems, with everyday life and habits. In short, every couple knows each other, before or then, reality. This does not mean that true love does not exist, on the contrary. It just means that true love is not all roses and, perhaps, it is precisely this aspect that makes it irresistible. Although every relationship is different from the others, it is possible to recognize a series of "signs" that make us understand if the story that we are experiencing is that of "forever".

1. Love without exception

When you get to know a person you feel attracted to, it is inevitable to show the best part of yourself. The qualities, the characteristics in common, the shared projects: to conquer what could become our future partner, we try to match our personalities as best we can, thus starting to create that first initial harmony. However, true love is also made up of negative sides and conflicting habits and this is one of the signs that make us recognize it.

Unconditionally loving a person also means loving his flaws and part of his daily routine that we do not share. Sia loves her as she is "without wanting to change her: differences make the relationship more alive, authentic and complete. Idealizing someone never works to our advantage because, sooner or later, our eyes will open to what their true personality is. inevitably be disappointed.

See also

Quotes about true love: the most beautiful quotes about truly loving

Infinite love: when love lasts forever

How to tell if you are in love: the signs to find out if your heart has been stolen

2. There is discussion, but in a constructive way

Fans of love movies know this: the discussions between the protagonists almost always take place before the two get together definitively. Once the strong feeling towards the other person is recognized, all the difficulties seem to disappear to give life to a " they lived happily ever after "without reservations. Unfortunately or fortunately, the reality is quite different. The difficulties that are encountered daily can become real challenges for a couple and can result in heated arguments and quarrels, which have very little romantic.

Not only is this completely normal, it is even necessary in many cases. A discussion can help the relationship grow, mature and strengthen further. The important thing is that it is constructive, that it is a way for the two partners to get to know each other even more without ever hurting the other excessively in their own considerations. Also, another sign of true love appears when, despite anger and frustration, you are unable to stay angry with your partner for too long.

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3. Always be present for each other

In the happiest and most carefree moments we could say that it is "simple" to have a relationship, because it gives us only joy and lightness of mind. However, true love is seen when both partners are willing to be present for each other. the other in the most difficult and emotionally tiring situations. From a health problem to a difficulty in the workplace: if being next to your partner on an "occasion similar to these is not a burden, but rather something you do willingly, then you know you have an authentic and sincere feeling in his regards.

Conversely, if you are experiencing a complicated period and your he supports you and is close to you physically and not only, know that you have a person who is truly in love by your side, willing to fight your battles too. The secret of true love is this: to form a team and be accomplices in any difficulty life presents you.

4. Your happiness is his

Envy is a feeling that lovers do not know. As already mentioned, when you live true love, the two partners form a team. This also means that the happiness of one is the happiness of the other and vice versa. important goal achieved by your partner is a reason for joy not only for him, but also for you and this situation also occurs towards you. and this is how it has to be: a natural and selfless process. This relationship, however, must never be unbalanced because otherwise there is the risk of being completely annulled for the partner by virtue of his happiness.

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5. Be willing to compromise

It is not a true love story if there is no passion, just as it is not a true love story if there is no commitment. A serious and complete relationship requires attention and commitment to resolve various problems, conflicts and misunderstandings. Furthermore, although there is always a good harmony between two lovers, there can be significant character differences and even different habits to face and learn to respect. For this reason, true love can only be spoken of if both partners are willing to come to each other, setting aside some of their reserves for the well-being of the couple.

For example, do you feel ready to postpone his disorder or his morning alarm even on the weekend? Or, do you notice that your partner often turns a blind eye to your long beauty routine or other habits that they previously didn't seem to like? Being willing to take a step back from one's convictions to meet one another is a fundamental good in a relationship and, above all, it is another sign of true love.

6. Offer, don't ask

A partner who continually asks and seeks something from the other, but who hardly ever offers to the other is not really in love. Making requests upon requests to someone is not a sign of an honest and sincere sentiment, but only of opportunism. Those who are truly in love are always ready to offer and never ask for anything in return. Love, in fact, is not need and control, but it is freedom and personal growth. This means that a person in love constantly strives for the good of the other in a completely disinterested way. This behavior, when it is reciprocal, is probably the most evident sign of true love, made up of sacrifices that one does not realize and of complete sharing.

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The 10 most beautiful phrases about true love

Being such a complex and at the same time fascinating sentiment, many authors have talked about love and its facets. Many have then concentrated in their texts on true love, composing sentences that describe its particularity and its most important characteristics.

True love being infinite and eternal, it can only be consumed in eternity.
Aldous Huxley

True love is manifested in small gestures, in attentive gazes, in unexpected caresses, in the silent presence that says more than a thousand words.
Stephen Littleword

True love consists in accepting others as they are without trying to change them.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This is what true love is about: letting a person be who they really are. Most people love you for who they claim you are.
Jim Morrison

If you expect some form of reward, it is not love: true love is to love without conditions and without expectations.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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True love despairs or goes into ecstasy over a lost glove or a found handkerchief, and needs eternity for its devotion and hopes. It is made up of both the infinitely large and the infinitely small.
Victor Hugo

True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is the acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be.
Khalil Gibran

There are loves that will never disappoint you, because they didn't promise you anything, but they will give you everything.
Augustin Degas

Love is an active feeling, not a passive one; it is an achievement, not a surrender. Its active character can be summarized in the concept that love is above all Giving and not receiving.
Erich Fromm

When you love, you discover in yourself such richness, so much sweetness, such affection, that you don't even think you know how to love so much.
Anton Chekhov

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