Infinite love: when love lasts forever

If there is a complicated feeling, that is love. It concerns both the mental and physical aspects, involving the body and soul of the people it unites. Love escapes a single definition, goes through several stages and only for some couples can it be classified as true love. However, a question arises: can this feeling last forever? That is, does the so-called "infinite love" exist? For some it is a "utopia, but there are some signs that show us how real it can be.

How do you recognize infinite love?

A true love, destined to last a lifetime, reveals over time a series of characteristics that make it recognizable. First of all, this feeling does not foresee changes: those who love do not want to change the loved one. Indeed, not only does it "accept it as it is", with its strengths and weaknesses, but it is the latter that further fuel the strong attraction it feels.

Furthermore, a love cannot be infinite if it does not instill security. Both members of a couple find certainties in each other and are always present in the happy, difficult and most important moments of each one's life. Who we love unconditionally is equivalent to our anchor, a fixed point that never betrays us.

Finally, the one between you and your mate may be what the British call "infinite love", only if when you are together you feel well-being, satisfaction and need. When you are reunited, you are well, you are happy and the problems of everyday life disappear at least for some time. In addition, you perceive that yes you are well in the presence of the other, but above all, being united as a couple improves your life, which you feel more satisfied with.

See also

The most beautiful phrases of love, for him and for her

When love ends: how to overcome a loving breakup

The most beautiful phrases of love for him

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Infinite love has no conditions

A true and eternal love can only be unconditional. This is one of the most significant prerequisites to understand if what you are experiencing is a pure and sincere feeling, which does not want anything in return. To love unconditionally means to definitively exclude from one's vocabulary the word "if" and all the sentences that contain it. Your partner will not stop loving you "if" you do not behave or dress in a certain way or because you do not have the same tastes: his love does not depend on particular terms, "it is" and that's it, without anyone having to earn a each cost something from the relationship. Only in this way can love be infinite, because it does not depend on any condition.

In fact, within a couple of true lovers, there is no form of selfishness. The happiness of one is directly of the other and vice versa. You probably did not even realize, while you were falling in love, that his good has become yours as well, that's how it should be: a natural and totally selfless process.

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Infinite love goes beyond a relationship

Very often love is traced back only to a relationship between two people who can be engaged or husband and wife. In reality, true love knows how to go beyond this traditional "category". This feeling, in fact, if it is truly authentic lasts even after the end of a "possible affair. It may happen that a loving couple is destined to break up for various reasons, such as the transfer of one of the two partners abroad or the discovery of lifestyle incompatibility or much more. These reasons, however, lead to the end of the relationship, perhaps after years, but this does not necessarily mean that the love between the former partners is lacking.

Thus one recognizes "another characteristic of infinite love": it goes beyond a temporal space and shuns any label. This type of love loses its sensual and carnal charge, but survives on a mental and soul level. In the same way it also explains the love between family members, parents and children and even between friends: a true and eternal feeling cannot be found. only within a couple, but blossoms in situations and sometimes unpredictable.

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The most beautiful phrases about "infinite and eternal love

A feeling that goes beyond any logic and time boundary could not fail to fascinate the great authors of the present and the past. In fact, many have composed books, phrases and verses about infinite love, which does not fear the passage of time. Here are their most beautiful quotes.

True love being infinite and eternal, it can only be consumed in eternity.
Aldous Huxley

When a man's hand touches a woman's hand, they both touch the heart of eternity.
Kahlil Gibran

Now listen to me: wherever I am, I will recognize your laughter, I will see the smile in your eyes, I will hear your voice. The simple fact of knowing that you are somewhere on this earth will be, in hell, my corner of paradise.
Marc Levy

Love encompasses all vocations, that love is everything, that embraces all times and all places, in a word that is eternal.
Therese of Lisieux

If I were sure that once this life is over, mine and yours will continue to live, I would throw mine away like a peel and choose eternity with you.
Emily Dickinson

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Love endures everything, love is stronger than death, love fears nothing.
Love will endure everything, love will go beyond death, love does not fear anything.
Maria Faustina Kowalska

Love arises from the sudden desire to make the passenger eternal.
Ramón Gómez de la Serna

The richness of my heart is as infinite as the sea, so deep is my love: the more I give to you, the more I have, because both are infinite.
William Shakespeare

Love has no age, no limit; and no death.
Love has no age, no limits; and does not die.
John Galsworthy

If you lived to be a hundred, I would like to live to a hundred minus one so I would never have to live without you.
A. A. Milne

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True love despairs or goes into ecstasy over a lost glove or a found handkerchief, and needs eternity for its devotion and hopes. It is made up of both the infinitely large and the infinitely small.
Victor Hugo

Love is the only thing that can be infinite in a man's heart.
George Sand

Love is space and time measured by the heart.
Love is space and time measured by the heart.
Marcel Proust

Love is an extensible concept that goes from heaven to hell, it brings together good and evil, the sublime and the infinite.
Carl Gustav Jung

Those who live of love live forever.
Emile Verhaeren

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