I am always tired: the 10 habits that take away your energy

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Some habits drain energy without you noticing.
Do you always feel tired? How much?
So much that you find it hard to keep your eyes open in front of the computer?
That more coffee flows in vain than blood in your veins?
What would you use one of the three wishes of the Genius to be able to take a nap?
If the answer is yes, then you may have adopted bad habits that are draining your energy.

Bad habits that drain energy and make you feel tired all the time

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A study by the University of Georgia has shown that regular physical activity increases endurance, helps keep the cardiovascular system efficient and brings oxygen to the tissues.
Skipping training is, therefore, one of the bad habits that drain energy: keep this in mind the next time you want to stay on the couch.

#2. Drink a lot (d "water, crafty)

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Being even slightly dehydrated is a bad habit that drains energy. This happens because the blood, made denser, causes a reduction in the speed with which oxygen and nutrients reach muscles and organs. That's why you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water - or herbal tea if the water alone just doesn't go down - a day.

# 3. Don't skip breakfast

Not even if you let yourself go to dinner the night before. During the night, the energies are consumed to keep the blood pumping and circulate oxygen; in the morning, therefore, you need a good and balanced breakfast to get your metabolism up and running. Try a delicious recipe like this:

# 4. Repeat after me: NOOOOOPE

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Always being accommodating and always saying yes to the requests of others is a bad habit that will take away your psychophysical energy. Saying "no" is possible, indeed sometimes it is necessary.

# 5. Don't always fear the impending apocalypse

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Nor get caught up in premature anxieties. Always imagining the worst case scenario will only increase the chances of it happening and leave you exhausted with anticipatory worry.

# 6. A little order

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According to a Princeton study, a desk that is too cluttered and overflowing with documents is mentally exhausting, because it limits the brain's concentration and ability to process information. Before going home, allow yourself 5 minutes to put some order: the next day you will be ready to leave with the right momentum.

# 7. You only work in the office: not on vacation ...

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To recharge your batteries during the holidays you have to unplug from the daily rhythms and work commitments. Take a 360 degree break, when you get back to your routine it will be fully recharged.

# 8. ... and not even in bed!

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The light produced by the backlit screen of a tablet, smartphone or computer risks compromising the body's natural circadian rhythm, reducing the levels of melatonin, a substance that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

# 9. Forget the goodnight shot

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Does the idea of ​​a glass or two of wine before going to bed seem brilliant to you to facilitate relaxation? Wrong. The initial sedative effect is nullified by the increase in adrenaline that is triggered once the body has metabolized the alcohol. This way you will not only struggle to fall asleep, but you will also compromise the quality of sleep.

# 10. Get more iron

An iron deficiency can cause weakness, irritability and fatigue, and even reduce the ability to concentrate. If you are not a lover of red meat, eat it in moderation anyway, go ahead with beans, tofu, eggs, green leafy vegetables and nuts combined with foods rich in vitamin C, which promote its absorption.

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