21 reasons to give Fifty Shades of Gray a chance

1. Admit it, you are a little "curious".

Escape from Fifty Shades of Gray it's practically impossible. IT'S EVERYWHERE. OK, you've decided to avoid it at all costs, but aren't you even a little curious ?!

See also

The most famous phrases taken from the films that have made the history of cinema

2. There is something other than sex

The story is about the feelings between two people and how a girl manages to slowly soothe a boy's turbulent past and emotional problems while discovering her own sexuality. Doesn't that sound very, VERY interesting? You see, it's not just about a girl screaming "oh yeah!" while reaching orgasm more times than is scientifically possible.

3. You haven't read the best seller, but the numbers don't lie

Maybe you didn't care about the trilogy that started out as a Twilight fan fiction, but millions of other people did, and LOVE it. So get the book, watch the movie and get on board!

4. You can't pretend this hype doesn't exist

As much as you want to avoid it, Fifty Shades of Gray has two sequels in progress, a symptom that won't be out of the picture very soon. Why shrug and turn around when you could join the party ?!

5. The digital download has serious ADVANTAGES

You can download the movie on iTunes now - before DVD release on May 27, 2015! And the download includes behind-the-scenes footage and interviews, as well as a taste of the sequel. Fifty shades of black. It's almost too easy to indulge in it, especially since you can watch it pretty much ANYWHERE (although you might want to protect your screen if you're watching it on the bus, of course!).

6. No inner voice

We like books, but some phrases are too embarrassing for the big screen. Thankfully, the writers did some research and realized that by including Ana's first-person narrative they would prompt most of the audience to voluntarily swallow the popcorn sideways to avoid embarrassment.

7. It's a modern romantic film

It's the typical story of two people from different worlds falling in love, only this version includes straps and eye patches.

8. Ana is ANY WOMAN

That is: there is no trace of Hollywood Brazilian waxing. * Applause *

9. Their relationship, although romantic, is not healthy

A lot of negative publicity about the film makes it questionable whether Ana and Christian's BDSM relationship is healthy, but that's not the case in the film. Although their love is quite intense and Christian follows her like a puppy, nothing happens to Ana that she doesn't consent to.

10. The soundtrack is extraordinary

It really is.

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11. If Mr. Gray isn't your type, Jose certainly is

Oh hello Jacob Black Jose. Thank you for being the third element of the love triangle.

12. Anastasia is not as pathetic as you think

In the film, the sweet-voiced girl who constantly bites her lip and becomes Christian's submissive has more personality than you expect. She's independent, stubborn, and yes, she has a CRAZY crush on a young billionaire. Can you blame it ?!

© via galleryhip

13. She is actually quite nice

The phone call she makes to Christian while she's drunk is priceless.

14. There are some HOT sex scenes

And we don't complain. Christian is welcome with those jeans 😍

15. It's directed by Sam Taylor-Wood, and it shows

Sam Taylor-Wood directed the hit film Nowhere Boy and made it Fifty Shades of Gray more elegant than you can imagine!

16. Jamie Dornan has a great physique

We're not sure if anyone said it or really noticed it before, but we did. It looks good and looks like he was contractually obligated to take off his shirt in most of the scenes, just so you know.

17. And a beautiful face

He is also cute in the face. Sorry if you prefer a little beard, but if you like clean-faced sex gods, hold on tight.

18. The whole thing is very funny

Although some phrases in the script make us giggle, the humor intended is a real surprise. The discussion of Christian's sex contract is a PEARL.

19. You can share your hatred for Kate

Wait until you meet Ana's annoying roommate, Kate. Wait until you see when he steals Ana's sandwich. It will drive you mad with anger.

20. You can look at it for a laugh

An evening with friends complete with a bottle of wine and movies seems like a perfect plan. That said...

21. Or if you need to be alone ...

It is just as beautiful to look at even when you are alone. Because sometimes your Christian is not to be shared.

Fifty Shades of Gray is available for download today on iTunes ahead of the DVD release scheduled for May 27, 2015. Also check out the incredible extras in advance, including an exclusive behind-the-scenes, music videos and Fifty Shades preview. of black.

Will you try to watch it? Send a tweet to @alfemminile_com

See also:
15 things you would only talk about during a night at home with friends
Forbidden pleasure: 15 reasons to watch Fifty Shades of Gray tonight
20 ways to spend an unforgettable evening alone

Go to the special of 50 shades in collaboration with alfemminile


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